Monday, October 01, 2007

My First Work From Home Day

Today was my first day to work from home. After weeks of praying about it and feeling pretty good, I woke up today with a knot in my stomach the size of Texas. I was just so nervous about what was going to happen to us. Was this going to work? Would I be able to get my work done? Was this really what was right for our family? Being out on this limb is nerve racking. For the first time in my life, my income is not guaranteed. What if this is NOT what God had called me to do? Would he honor my attempt to follow his lead? Would his provision cover financial shortfall, should it arise? I have always been positive that it would, but today, in the midst of my crisis- I was not so sure. Finally after some intense prayer I remembered this:

For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.
2 Timothy 1:7.

I have always loved this verse for the self- discipline part of it- but today I needed the confidence it provided. It brought to mind how Joshua must have felt when he was taking over the Israelites. He had been supporting Moses for so long and now it was his turn to lead, a situation he probably felt totally unprepared for. God just kept repeating to him "Be strong and courageous" over and over again. It was nice to remember that even pillars of faith such as Joshua needed reassurance now and then.

After reflecting on these things for a few minutes I felt much better- not perfect, but much better. Perfect came as the day went on without a hitch. I worked for 4.5 hours, have work lined up for tomorrow and had a spectacular day enjoying my daughter. I am sure now that this is what is right for our family. Our lives are going to be much better, this I am sure.

So what did I do? I tutored at the center, went to Wal-Mart, put Sophie down for a nap, worked, went to a local high school, did the dishes, cleaned the bathroom, thoroughly swept the house, worked at Sherie's, and.... drum roll please.... fixed dinner. That's right- I fixed dinner. Chicken Parmesan. Then I gave Sophie a bath and here I am- dog tired and happy as a clam. Life is good because God is good, and he blessed me with a fantastic family. Things are going to be okay!


Perri said...

I'm so happy that things went so well. Did you neglect a little something in your post or are those pictures for Mamaw going to be seperate? Waiting on a hard motel chair...........

VaQueenBee said...

I got on here to see the Mamaw pictures of Sophie, but enjoyed your post instead. Sounds like you had an incredible day. I'm so happy for you!

Katy said...

Sophie is beautiful! i came across your blog...and i read this post and was curious what it is you do at home?? I have been looking and looking for a way to still be a SAHM while earning extra money as well....and I just wondered if whatever it is you do would be something i could do? If you could email me or leave a comment on my blog about it..i would sooo appreciate it! Thanks!!!

Patricia said...

i continue to be so very happy for you, andi. and i admire your faith and your willingness to share your uncertainties.