Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My Quirky Car

I like my car. We have an older model Jeep Cherokee and it suits me right down to the ground. We have hovered on the brink of thinking we need a van- it would be much easier to get around with two kids in car seats and the occasional little brother or sister, but frankly- mini vans just really don't scream "We're still young and cool". So for now we'll settle with "We're cramped in a too small car for the sake of a worthless self image". Pitiful, isn't it?

Lately my car has been less than stellar. It just has Murphy's Law embedded in it's little, tinny soul. Here are some examples:

It seems that...

-- my dome light only works during the day. It has a short in it and never seems to work at night.

-- my passenger window only works when it's too cold to roll down the window.

-- my check engine light only comes on when I have a long list of places to go.

-- my interior is only clean when no one sees it.

-- there is a pterodactyl in my neighborhood that only poops on my car when it has just been cleaned. I'm sorry I just said poop. (Twice.)

-- my windshield wipers always need replaced while it is raining. This one is probably my fault.

Another thing about my car is that it is always filled with odds and ends from the house that my Sophie carries to the car with her. Currently the back seat has the back of a smoke detector, a mesh kitchen strainer, a manila folder, a full sized football, a pair of green socks and a pacifier that she uses for her doll. If there were a game show like "Let's Make a Deal" for automobiles- I would so win.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

yeah, i have a 10+ year old car that has a few endearing quirks, too, but i still love it.

but even more, i love all the random things sophie takes with her. you would so win that game show. where's monty hall when we need him?