Monday, October 15, 2007

Post from Dad

So Andi has been telling me for months now that is is my turn to post and I have been doing a lot of pretending not to hear and then changing the subject, but now the time has come to maybe get the wife off my back. Without having much else to talk about I'll just fall back on the good ol subject of Sophie. Always something to write about there. Last night Andi brought Sophie by my work as I was starting all the machines and getting presses running. It was a surprise visit and a welcome one, I love to get these visits and hear all mu coworkers tell me how adorable she is. Makes a dad proud. Anyways, I was holding her while I was working on a press and every time it opened or closed she would jump in my arms. She wasn't scared, just startled and she was trying to soak in everything that was going on. So while she's jumping in my arms she has one hand on my back with as much of my shirt in her tiny little hands as she could get. She's so cute. So then being the wonderful dad that I am I pick a part up out of the drop chute and hand it to her to hold on to and as she takes it she just looks at it with a look that says " Gee..... Thanks Dad..... I don't know what to say...." When I got home this morning I saw that it was underneath the bathtub near the wall. I think she put it there on purpose to avoid the awkward conversations later whenever I ask her what she did with it. "Ummmmm.... You know Dad I'm not sure what happened to it..... Maybe I dropped it on the way to the car." Whether or not she really liked the part I really enjoyed seeing her while I was at work and hope she drops by again.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

i can't imagine a more fun visitor!