Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Jobs I've had:
1. PEERS Mentor
2. Graphic Designer
3. Line Operator at TJ Maxx (for 2 hellish months)
4. Lifeguard

This also is my entire resume :)

Food I love: keep in mind I am pregnant
1. Tomato Sauce
2. Hot Fudge
3. Can't think of two more because now all I want is tomato sauce. Great.

Websites I visit daily:
1. Bloglines
2. yeah- that's about it unless you count
3. google

Places I'd rather be:
1. Someplace with air conditioning
2. Someplace with tomato sauce
3. Someplace with a/c AND tomato sauce
4. Home-- the a/c is fixed, but still no tomato sauce.

Movies I love:
1. The Replacements
2. Clue
3. Muppet Treasure Island
4. The Sound of Music

TV shows I watch:
1. House
2. Dirty Jobs
3. Whatever is on - I don't watch a lot of TV, but I never miss #1.

People I tag:
No one- I'm a no pressure kind of gal.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

just plain tomato sauce? no pasta, no meat, no veggies? wow. i know i can't talk but isn't this a tad boring in the whole scheme of pregnancy cravings? add some peanut butter to that tomato sauce and you've got a story.

i love that we both (all, including your mom) love us some greg house and some mike rowe!