Thursday, October 18, 2007

What a Hoot

I caught her concentrating on something, which means that her tongue is stuck out. This is my fault. I still stick out my tongue when I'm thinking. I'm grown up like that.
After I caught her, she just busted out laughing.
This kid just kills me. I swear she just brightens up any day.
So then, just for your viewing pleasure, I asked her what the bunny does. When I ask this I twitch my nose. Sophie can not twitch her nose so she just moves her mouth up and down. That in itself is not so humorous- it's the WAY she holds her mouth when she does it...
She obviously has talent. I'm booking her for an animal impressions tour next April.
I mean come on, does that face not just scream "bunny"?
No? Yeah, I didn't think so either- but it's a riot to watch!


JamieLynn said...

what a cutie! How can you ever discipline that cute little face?!

Patricia said...

i love the two bunny teeth peeking out!

Staci said...

She's such a little ham! I miss my kids being that sweet age! Thanks for posting and letting me (among others) live vicariously!! And never has there been a cuter bunny!!

Jada said...

I love that little girl...