Saturday, November 10, 2007

A Few Pictures

Sophie LOVES to watch movies of herself on the computer. She will sit there as long as you will show them and just stare in awe at herself on the screen.

" What are you looking at woman?"

This is to show the absolute tolerance my cat has for her. He let's her do anything she wants. She thinks that is just swell. I'd like to say that the lovely double chin in the background is because of Keegan, but really it's not. I was just blessed with many chins.

This is the outfit Cathy made for Sophie when we found out we were having a girl. She wore it yesterday for her big day out with Dad and Uncle Ben to Rural King and Gander Mountain. It seemed like the appropriate attire for the occasion.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

i love your movie posters, especially the raiders one. very cute.

i wonder if sophie watches the movies of herself and thinks, "wow, that girl is really cute. and smart. i like her!"

love the outfit. nov. 15, the first day of firearm season, is like a national holiday here.