Thursday, November 08, 2007

Good News (Finally!)

I had another appointment today for the little guy. Things look good still- no changes! We are hoping to go at least 2.5 more weeks, after that he will be good to go!! It seems amazing that we have made it this far. We are so blessed. The only "downside" is that my bed rest is a bit (well, a lot) more restrictive now. It could still be a lot worse, I could be stuck in the hospital on bed rest, or I could be in labor. All said, things are pretty good-- I just need a big stack of books and a babysitter for both me and Sophie. Thank you to everyone who has helped so far or have offered to help, I think I'll be cashing in those offers very soon!


Patricia said...

i'm so glad that keegan is staying right where he is for a while longer. my bible study group continues to pray for you both.

MEAGAN said...

Just think of bed rest as a gift from God before baby #2 comes. After he's born, you'll get no rest... so enjoy it while you can! :o)

FENICLE said...

Praise God! Let me know if I can help in any way! Ethan loves a friend to play with :)