Monday, November 12, 2007

I'll be away for a while...

unless Jacob blogs. My bed rest has been changed to complete bed rest- up for the bathroom and eating only. If we get to Thanksgiving he's just going to let me go, but I hope I make it further than that. I'm sure the next few weeks will be frustrating for me and my entire family. I'm sure I'll be peckish about being confined and they will be stressed out too. But I am also sure that every day I am pregnant will be a good day. I'll try to pop in once in a while, but don't count on much.


Christine, Jason and Baby said...

Awww.. Praying for you and Keegan! Keep him in (as you are trying) for as long as possible! :) My prayers are with you. Let me know if I can do anything too!

Tina B said...

Prayers are with you.

Courtney said...

Prayers are with you, Andi. I know I'm weird, but I wanted to tell you that I had a dream about you last night. You had delivered Keegan safe and sound and we were going shopping for Sandra Boynton books. :-)

Patricia said...

it's all going to be worth it...

and i will pray that you can feel good during your bedrest.

MEAGAN said...

Don't let him be born on Thanksgiving or he'll never forgive you for making pumpkin pies instead of a birthday cakes... this coming from a Turkey baby, ya know. :o) Let me know if you need anything!!

Jennifer said...

Hang in there! As you know I endured a couple of months gestating on my back. (but did not have the additional challenge you have of a little one running around already)
Praying for you. You can do it!

Jennifer said...
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Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

Praying that the weeks fly by for you until baby Keegan arrives big and healthy!

Fatcat said...

In this situation (I have been there!) you just have to remember to thank God for your bathroom privileges. In my last pregnancy, I was on bedrest, then off, on, then off, back to work, back to bed and then they put me in the hospital and took away my bathroom privileges. I couldn't even get up out of the bed to use the bathroom.

My baby hung in there and made it to 8 pounds, 2 ounces! We'll pray for you and Keegan.