Thursday, November 01, 2007

A Poopy Post (Sorry)

It was bound to happen... or so I've been told. Today Sophie was sitting in the tub waiting for be to get done cleaning the toilet so we could take a shower. The tub is a handy containment unit for quick bathroom cleaning in the morning. The tub only had Sophie in it when I left. Then she started fussing and I turned around to see what the matter was. The tub now had Sophie, Sophie Poop and Sophie Poop Pictures all over the sides of the tub. I'm sure you can imagine the frantic scrubbing that followed. At least I got to her before she got it in her mouth. I don't know what I would have done, but it would have involved a lot more retching.

I'm telling you, sometimes this mom stuff is traumatic and scarring. Yuck, yuck, yuck!

1 comment:

Patricia said...

first she digs in her nose, now she paints with her poopies. i love that you invented a new label - "gross" - just for this occasion.