Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Tell All Post

I have to confess that for the last several months I have been keeping a secret from most of you. But I don't have to anymore. Today, after many months of testing and interviewing, Jacob got a new job as a city police officer! They had about 20 people apply and only hired one. I am just so proud of him!!!!!

This is going mean more big changes in our lives. He starts at the first of the year, working 4 on and 2 off. He leaves for the police academy in August. That takes 13 weeks, and he only gets to come home on the weekends. I'm not thrilled about that, but I am glad that it is when Keegan will be older rather than right away. Two of the others that applied didn't even need to go the the academy, they had already been, and Jacob STILL got the job. Man, I am so excited for him!

We are so blessed that he has this opportunity. I'll admit that at first I was not happy about his aspiration, but the more I thought about it the more I came around. We'll take the good, the bad and the ugly and make it work. God has placed Jacob right where he should be and I am excited to see what is in store for us!

Did I mention I was excited? And proud?


Patricia said...

i'm thrilled for you and for your family! congratulations to him!!

*doin' the snoopy dance*

woo hoo!!!

Amy said...

What great timing!! We have a good friend who is going through the academy here - with 4 boys at home. It's not easy - but you've got a great support system!

Anonymous said...

How exciting for your family!
I'm so happy for you.

Jodi said...

Congrats! I am so happy for all of you.

VaQueenBee said...

This is fantastic news! Congratulations!

MEAGAN said...

YAY! Congrats!

JamieLynn said...

omgosh!! How exciting Andi! Woot Woot!

Jennifer said...

Congratulations! What an accomplishment!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Jacob and Andi,

What a great opportunity to witness. I am so proud of you and you devotiion to God and each other. You will have two very blessed children to have you for parents. I love all of you.'

Courtney said...

Wow! What monumental news! Congratulations you two!

FENICLE said...

What great news!! Congrats to him. I'm sure this comes with great benefits, retirement pkg, and hopefully a bit of a raise?

How are you & Keegan?

5KidMom said...

That is OUTSTANDING news!!! So happy for you all. 8^)