Wednesday, November 21, 2007


For the past few weeks I swear I have been seeing fleas in the house. Jacob thought I was crazy, until today. Today I finally caught one... actually two. I have no idea how they got them, all I know is that it is ridiculously expensive and irritating to get rid of them. This should not be- our cats are indoor cats. They NEVER go outside. How in the world did this happen?!

The only time we have done this before is when someone gave us a kitten that had fleas, who in turn shared her fleas with the rest of the cats. It took months of treatment and bombs and baths and combing and scratching and grossness to get rid of. I'm hoping this time is better, if only because we don't have a long haired cat anymore.

Fleas make me sad. And poor. And itchy.

Anyone have any good advice? I can't stand the thought of my sweet babies and fleas in the same house.


MEAGAN said...

Advantage works the best. It's a little expensive, but one treatment per cat plus a good washing of linens and mopping/vacuuming of the house will get rid of them all. And it being winter time-ish will help too. That was always the recommended treatment when I worked at the vet.

I'm assuming Keegan is staying put for the time being? :o)

Patricia said...

dang, i hate fleas, too. we use advantage, also. i've been positively shocked that indi hasn't had a single flea all summer long. i agree with the washing of all fabrics possible, in hot water. i hope you get rid of the littls pests!

Mandy said...

Wow, no advice from me! I have 3 cats but Labrador's climate isn't flea inhabitable!!! We just don't have that problem at home... hopefully you get rid of them soon.

Anonymous said...

If you have carpet, you can sprinkle it with 20 mule Borax (found in the laundry dept)-wait at least 8 hours and then vacuum. Make sure you throw the vacuum bag away outside immediatly. If you only have indoor animals, then ask the vet for 1 Capstar pill for each. This little unknown miracle pill starts killing the fleas that are on the animal in about 20 minutes and keeps killing any fleas that come back in contact with the animal for 24 hours. Good Luck! -Jaime -Williamston, SC