Sunday, November 18, 2007

Up for a minute to check in...

A quick run down of the latest...

Sophie has a cold and has taken to wiping snot all over everything. Nice. She is also in a simply (not so) marvelous mood, and has been for a few days.

Today was the Colts game that I had a ticket for. The game was still good from the couch. Ben bought my ticket and they had a great time.

Mom has been my almost constant baby sitter the last week. It was untimely that my bed rest coincided with the opening weekend of gun season. I've been feeling good for the most part, no further hospital visits thus far. My next appointment is Tuesday. After that I just have to make it until the 26th and I will be up and about. We'll be putting up the Christmas tree ASAP so that it gets done before the big event!

I am almost firmly convinced that if I make it to the 26th, that I will not have the baby until at least the 21st of December. I'm not sure why this is, and I am in no way saying that this is what will happen, it just feels like it. Keegan has a very stubborn Momma and Poppa, so we'll see if it runs in the family! Of course, it could be just a few days, so either way I am ready.

Thanks to a very kind supervisor on first shift at Jacob's work he will be trading to first shift next week to be home more to help out. I am very excited about this!!

Because of the bed rest I have had to cancel the rest of my work for the semester. My job is sort of cumulative, if you miss a lot in November there is nothing to do in December. Luckily I have a fantastic boss who has no problem with the fact that I had to cancel all my presentations. She has been unconditionally understanding. I am lucky to have that sort of support.

I think that though things will be tight for the next few months that we should be okay. God had already started to show his providence for us, and I have faith that he will continue to do so.

Jacob and I decided not to put up all of our normal Christmas ornaments. The risk of them being destroyed by Hurricane Sophie is just too great. Today I cut some out of lunch sack and colored them. They are not really great... okay they are butt ugly... but they will work for what we need them to do! In a few years we will pull out all the special ones again, once they are a bit bigger.

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. I am thankful that God has seen fit to prolong my pregnancy, one day at a time. I am thankful that I am blessed with a family that I not only love, but that I love to be with. I am thankful that I serve and love a God who loves me entirely. God bless you all and remember to count YOUR blessings this week, and beyond.


Anonymous said...

You are indeed blessed -- and it's wonderful that you realize it.

Heidi Kellems said...

We are on standby when you need us... I am thrilled about Jacob's first shift position. I hope this will be/become permanent. I've been praying for you and pray that he (Keegan) will wait until December 21st (or at least a couple more weeks) so that way you all will have a blessed Christmas homecoming. Also praying that Keegan will put on weight and his lungs develop quickly should he decide to come early. May God's WILL be done....

Love ya

Patricia said...

yay, an update from the horse's errr.. from the wonderful woman, herself! :)

i'm glad you have such a supportive boss. i know what a lovely blessing this can be.

hope sophie feels better soon. colds? snot fun at all.

FENICLE said...

Am I the boss?? :) I hate being called that. You're my friend that I work with.

Continuing to pray for you & Keegan & that Sophie gets her good moods back :)

Fatcat said...

Every day that he stays in there is good but I'm definitely not so worried about him now, since he's made it this far. I hope Sophie feels better soon.