Here's milk in your eye
Really. Well, not YOUR eye actually, but definitely Sophie's. Soph has had a bit of whitish grossness coming out of her eyes for a few days which culminated last night into a beautiful symphony of congealed eyelashes. I was just trying to make that sound nice- really it was nasty. Her eye isn't pink, but she is rubbing them a lot. We stayed home from church to be sure we didn't carry something nasty to the other kids (I've still got a fever anyway) and tried this home remedy:
Breastmilk has been used by mothers (probably for many years) to treat infectious conjunctivitis. Secretory IgA is an immunoglobulin, present in colostrum and mature human milk. It has been found to inhibit the adherence or bacteria to mucosal surfaces and limits bacterial colonization of the eye.
I have no idea what most of that meant, but the gist of the first sentence covers what you need to know.
Apparently milk in the eye doesn't hurt much, Sophie didn't cry at all. We'll see how this goes. I sure am interested in seeing if it works or not. In case you are wondering, I also found an article that
said it worked on treating cuts, scratches, ear infections and sore nipples. I can attest to the last one, the others ones I have yet to test. If this works you can just call me Andi Walgreens. Furthermore, if it works, you can have some. I've got lots. I don't even need to see your insurance card.

I have heard about putting breastmilk in a baby's eye to get rid of pink eye. Best of luck. It has helped an infant I took care of in the past. As for the rest of that information, it is great information for me to know since I do plan on trying to breastfeed. Thanks Andi! P.S. Missed you at church today.
I was just wondering where I'd get breastmilk if one of my kids get pink eye. Thanks for the offer! LOL
Your Mom tagged me, and now I'm tagging you. Come on over and check it out!
Happy New Year! You have so much to look forward to in 2009!
gee. kinda like the wonder cure of windex in my big fat greek wedding.
only better.
hope you're both feeling much better and happy new year, friend.
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