Thursday, December 27, 2007

It was bound to happen...

Things were just going too good. Keegan is gaining weight, eating well, plumping up. Jacob is off work and we are having a ball at home. Christmas was one of the most peaceful and enjoyable ones I can remember. I've been feeling great, no problems recovering and then WHAM--- a kidney infection lands me in the ER today for IV antibiotics. Oh well, this too will pass (quickly, I hope).

I hope you all had a fabulous Christmas. God is immeasurably good. We are so blessed.

PS-- Did you check out Patrica's Christmas Blessing? I can't even begin to tell you how we have prayed for this. Now we are praying harder than ever!!

PSS-- The computer is working!!! Thank you Ben for telling us what to do and thank you Larry for offering to help should the worst have happened. I'll be posting pictures as soon as I am up and about, I've got some cute ones!


Perri said...

Jacob said you need to update your profile because Keegan is here:)

Hope you feel better today.

Patricia said...

ick. i hope the antibiotics have kicked in my now.

and thank you for your p.s., and your prayers! i know they are what's gotten me this far.

FENICLE said...

I hope you're feeling better & the med's helped some. Thank goodness for the ER. They must know you by name!