Friday, December 21, 2007

Little Momma

Sophie is quite the little mother of the house now. In the past few days she has helped fold his laundry, change his diaper, rock him to sleep, and today when I told her she couldn't put a cover on him, she proceeded to take off the receiving blanket tucked around him as well. She is ever so thorough. She just LOVES this baby. I'm pretty sure he loves her too, his love is just shown by not screaming in terror when she approaches.

I think the most comical thing she helps do is pump milk. She will grab the cones of my breast pump and put them on her belly. She'll walk around like this until you finally take the cone from her. She also dances to the rhythm of the pump- da-dum, da-dum, da-dum, da-dum, da-dum- in a little sway while bobbing her head back and forth.

Keegan is doing much better, Sophie is in a good mood, Christmas is right around the corner... life is good.

PS- We had a power surge the other day and fried Jacob's computer. The one with all our pictures AND the one that our camera docks to. Until we get it figured out, I am without pictures. Talk about bad timing.


mama said...

My daughter did the same thing with the breast pump when my son was born!

Fatcat said...

Careful calling her little mama! That ends up making you get called "Big Mama", not a nickname to treasure, LoL.