Thursday, December 06, 2007

Mrs. Clean

It seems that a now certain deadline looming for Keegan's arrival was all I needed to get my butt in gear. Cleaning, scrubbing, straightening, organizing and packing are all happening with unequaled fervor at my house... but it's getting done. Jacob does not get to take off more than a few days for work this time (with Sophie he took off an entire month) so I want to have housework out of the way by Saturday night.

I'm not sure why it is suddenly so important that the shower curtain liners be changed RIGHT NOW- but it is, dang it. Very important. And if anyone bugs me about it I'll cry because apparently my hormones have suddenly decided that rationality no longer needs to be a part of my emotional make up.

Not much longer now. I'm gonna hold my baby.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

that last sentence. pure love, pure bliss. it takes my breath away.