Friday, December 14, 2007

Welcome Home Keegan

I'm still getting adjusted to things around here, so posts will probably be a bit infrequent for a while. I'm sure my momma will do a more than sufficient job of keeping everyone updated on our what nots, and right now I am truly content to let her. Things are going well- Keegan is a pretty good nurser and Sophie adores him, which makes life easier all around. His presence has also made her A LOT more affectionate, which is incredibly enjoyable for everyone around.

Today I am going to try to pick up around the house some, we'll see if that actually gets done!

This baby has truly been a blessing in more ways that I can count. Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts, we've about used them all up I think!


Tina B said...

Congrats Jacob and Andi. Not just with the baby but the new job as well. I am learning slowly but surely God does do wonderful things that believe and deserve them. If you need anything I am right down the road just call and I can at least sit with you until someone else gets to there with you.

Patricia said...

much love to the newest member of your family :)

FENICLE said...

Hope you are getting some rest & taking care of yourself as well as those little ones!

Forget cleaning - just soak up the time you can sit and rock Keegan in your arms. They grow way too fast!! Dishes & laundry will always be around.

Lindsey: Mama of Andrew, Adam, and Ally said...

SO happy for you all!! What an adorable little blessing!