Monday, February 11, 2008

Or Not.

I lied. Better is not even in the picture. Sophie woke up today covered in subtances from every orafice of her body. We've already gone through several changes of clothes today and it's not looking good for the rest of the day. Today she even acts like she doesn't feel good though, she won't let us put her down and just wails if we do. In short, she is one sick puppy. On the bright side, Keegan is still doing well, so I guess that's something!


Amy said...

I'm so sorry to hear this! I'm continuing to pray!

FENICLE said...

That is so not cool. I'm praying very hard for that little girl!!! I hope no one else in the family catches it either!

Tina B said...

So sorry to hear this, rough enough on an adult I couldn't imagine a child going through this.

Valerie Swartz said...

awww thats so sad.
in regards to steven, no he isn't allowed to drive for another 3 months. I told him he shouldn't drive at all, but you know teenagers.
well hope sophie feels better soon!
God Bless,