From the mouth of Sophie
Come on. That is the new Sophie catch phrase around our house. Today she walked in and said "Mom! Come on! Pee Da". At Pappaws we went to have Pizza. She obviously thought a lot of that.
Other words frequenting our house, besides come on and pizza, are: dies (fries), munny (bunny), dok (dog), dop it (stop it), oush (ouch and house), yep, bubbles, mik (milk), car, doe (go), bye bye, Mamaw, baw baw (this could be any form of grandpa or pappaw), yesh (wes and yes), da cub (Jacob), Ni Nan (Ryan) and of course... no. (Oh, and douche. Don't forget that one.)
Keegan meanwhile is babbling up a storm. He sounds almost exactly like his sister. Sometimes he'll let out a big coo and I have to turn to see who is saying it.
Come on! I love that one. As if you're really falling down on the job. Come on! Hehe, she cracks me up.
I still have to look sometimes to see which of my younger 2 kids are talking cause they sound so much alike.
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