Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Springy Thoughts

My brain won't put together a coherent blog, so I'll just list out my thoughts today.

- Sometimes I wonder when Sophie will stop saying no to every question asked.

- I'm on the home stretch of work before summer break. We figured it out the other day and I should not have to get another job for the summer.

- That is AWESOME.

- Today my brother Jacob turns 11. I was a twerp when he was born. I love you Doodle.

- Jacob mowed the yard today. Hello Spring!

- When I say spring, I don't mean it's 80 degrees, J-Mom. I wish.

- I planted about 25 tulips a few years ago, and it is coming to fruition now, with a big ONE blooming. One stinking tulip.

- I got some flowers for Sophie and I to plant together. She'll like digging I think, but maybe not getting her hands dirty. She's like that.

- Bill Clinton is contaminating coming to our local high school on Thursday.

- Go home, Bill.

- I had the worst year ever for my NCAA bracket. Just pitiful, really.

- I got Sophie the cutest. swimsuit. ever.

- Come on, Spring.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

Home with your kids all summer. Bliss! (I know, hard work too, but dang, I see bliss.)

Maybe your tulips are growing toward China?

I came in 4th in my building's pool. Enough to win my entry fee back :) I was in first place for two weeks. That seriously rocked my world.