Sweet Corn Gal
My Granny Gayle lives down in Kentucky. She emailed me a few weeks ago to see if she could use a picture of Sophie for an ad in the paper for her work. Of course, knowing that Sophie was just meant to be famous I agreed. She sent the article not long ago, I have just been a bit scatter brained and just got around to posting it for all the world to see. Thank you Granny Gayle, for revealing Sophie's glory for all to see!
I'm so stinkin' proud.
Oh my goodness! That is too precious! Love it!!!
Move over Jolly Green Giant. We've got a new spokesperson for veggies!
How cute! What a thing to keep in her scrapbook!!!
How adorable,
oh how cool. she is so cute:)
can't forget the little guy, he is so stinkin cute as well:)
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