What does that spell? Sophie.
Today we had a day that just made Jacob and I want to pull our hair out, but looking back at it all we can do is laugh. I don't think she said anything today except "no". I've been trying to pick my battles, and today was a day for it! It all started this morning when she wanted to blow bubbles, so Jacob said no problem, we just need to change your clothes and put on some shoes.
Well then you can't go blow bubbles. So she didn't. Later she brought it up again and we went back to change her clothes and she would no put her pants or shoes on. Our policy is no shoes, no pants no bubbles, so we still didn't blow bubbles. So now she is pantless and shoeless running around like a heathen.
Sophie 1- Parents 0
We finally get her to get her pants and jacket on so that we could leave later, but the shoes were still a fight. Finally I said in my best mom voice "Sophie come and put your shoes on RIGHT NOW". And she did. She walked over with the tiniest, smallest little shuffle walk I have ever seen. I've seen earthworms move faster than she was walking, and you could just see on her face that she was thinking "HA! I can't get in trouble because technically I am obeying!" Truthfully she didn't get in trouble because I was trying not to give myself a hernia from stifling laughter.
Sophie 2 -Parents 0
Finally when we get her shoes on Jacob takes her out to the car. Normally she runs over and picks a flower to take with us but today Jacob was just frustrated and wanted to just get in the car and go. Sophie had other ideas. She immediately picked up her legs, went completely limp so that she was hanging by one arm and proceeded to scream at the top of her lungs "OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, OUCH, OUCH" until they got to the car. When they got to the car Jacob put her down to open the door and she suddenly regains her muscle control and SPRINTS to the nearest cluster of daffodils, grabs one triumphantly and saunters back to the car, clearly the victor in today's escapades.
Victor indeed. I am pooped.
I just read this in my Motivations for Moms section on my blog and thought of you:
"Choose your battles wisely ~ give patience where patience is due, and continually ask God for wisdom in discipline."
Sounds like a trying day, but you handled it well!
I just laughed and laughed. Not helpful, I know. But I love that little kid and her strong willed spirit! Seriously the daffodils just killed me.
Too cute...but don't worry I didn't hear her screaming so actually you won as well. Sopie 2 parents 1/2. Keep up the good work you two are awesome parents.
Too cute...but don't worry I didn't hear her screaming so actually you won as well. Sopie 2 parents 1/2. Keep up the good work you two are awesome parents.
Oh man, I've been there!
Love, Tina
That sounds like Sorsha, every minute of every day. I feel your pain :)
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