Sunday, May 11, 2008

I've been getting mixed reviews...

Some people say I look like a rooster, or a peacock, or a carnie. I think I look like a woman at the end of the day who has obviously worn off her make up. But that's probably just this picture, not always. I hope. At least the kid is cute, right?

It can only stay this way for a while, then I have to go back to work.
In case you are wondering, it's blue, green, pink, orange and purple.

I love it. Love it. Love it.
And I am so totally not old. Not right now anyway.

And thanks to Larry for fixing my computer so I can post pictures again. Like these random ones of the kids:


FENICLE said...

Oh my Andi! I'm just going to have to see it in person!!!

Happy Mother's Day!

Heidi Kellems said...

Way Cool Pictures !!! And SUPER COOL Computer !!!


Anonymous said...

Nobody said roosters were ugly :)

Patricia said...

Dang! Way cool. I'd never have the nerve. But it might be worth seeing the look on my mom's face :)