Saturday, May 17, 2008

Sometimes Derby Hurts

I get asked a lot if skating in the derby hurts. Sure. Yes. Sometimes more than others. This would be one of those times. On Monday my skates got locked with another girls and we both went down, hard. Together. So when we fell, we fell together.

Her skate hit my leg. Notice my shin is not flat. In case yours isn't either, mine normally is. You are talking to a very flat shinned woman, normally at least. Not so much now.

It really hasn't bruised all that much, but it gets more colorful every day. It's scabbed over where I was bleeding, but mostly it just hurts like all get out. I should have put something up for size comparison, because it's bruised about 8 inches down my shin. Ouch.

Most of the time I don't mind the pain part of skating. It's just something that comes with the fun. But I have to tell you that what happened to my leg hurts. I can't even have the cat rub against my leg without whimpering. I missed practice on Wednesday because I had a meeting, and quite frankly I was okay with that. On Monday I'm wearing a shin guard to practice. (I know... sexy, right?)

So there you all have it. Yes, sometimes derby hurts, but I still love it.


Christine, Jason and Baby said...

Ouch... I bet you were in a lot of pain when you told me this morning that I looked uncomfortable. It's a good thing that you really like derby. (Not so sure I would like this)

Patricia said...

Yeeeouch! What a terrible place for such a bruise... no padding. Sexy or not, shin guards sound like the way to go. Actually, full body bubble wrap sounds like the way to go but the derby would probably frown upon that.

JamieLynn said...

yikes! ESPN did a piece last night on roller derby girls and the whole thing looked so violent! I think the full body bubble wrap sounds good...or maybe football pads?