Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Happenings at the House

It seems like so much is going on during the week, but really when I look back at it it's not that much. Sophie and Keegan both had their crabby pants on this week which made it seem longer than it really was. Here is a bit of what is going on around here.

Keegan learned to clap and babble Momma. In the last month he has learned so much... crawling, pulling up, pushing up to a sitting position, clapping, getting food into his mouth. It's fun to see what he will learn day by day. He is really ready to walk though, he gets frustrated very easily right now because he can see Sophie running around and he is left behind. That's when the fussing for Momma starts. (Mom.... Mom...MOM...MOOOOMMMMMM.)

Sophie counted to ten without any help. She can spell her name and count to ten and is working hard on learning the alphabet. She also knows most of the basic colors, though she often mixes up red with orange and green with blue.

Sophie is covered with bruises from head to toe, literally. She runs into EVERYTHING. I swear that kid is part pinball, she hits something and bounces back. It doesn't really help that she is almost completely fearless. I feel gray hairs coming on rapidly with the onset of her turning two.

We bought some fish for the kids. Jacob decided Sophie and Keegan needed some fish, that they would like that. What you can actually read here is Jacob decided that he wanted some fish so he used the easy out of "the kids" wanting fish. So now we have fish swimming around in a bowl that you can bet will be cleaned by yours truly. I am such a sucker. Next thing the "kids" will want is an X-Box 360, and the answer is NO dang it.

Jacob had his qualifying tests for his gun and got an expert rating. Have I mentioned in the last couple posts that I am proud of him? This week he learns to drive like a maniac. Great.

I had a box of Whoppers yesterday and it had SEVEN of the ones that are just randomly chewy. There are not many things one this earth more disturbing than expecting the super awesomeness of malted milk ball goodness and getting the weird, chewy, not even remotely awesome malted milk ball of doom. You may think I'm being dramatic here, but then you may not fully appreciate my love affair with Whoppers.

That's it. That's what was in the foremost of my brain to write about. Scary, huh?


Anonymous said...

Hi Andi,
I've been reading your blog for a long time, but never left a comment. I was reading about how Sophie runs into everything and I had a thought. Now, if she purposefully does this, then you can disregard this comment, but if she doesn't realize it, you might want to have her eyes checked. I have had several cousins who have had this problem (running into things) and they turned out to be severely near/far sighted and ended up requiring glasses.

So. It could be her just being a little one, or it could be something more. Just a little info for you.


Anonymous said...

Hi Andi,
I was originally in China with my family because my father got a job over there. They are continuing to live there, while I am now attending University in the US.
Hope all goes well with Sophie =]


Fatcat said...

I've been driving like a maniac for years. I could've taught him. ;-)