Saturday, July 05, 2008

Sometimes it's hard to find time to blog

Does anyone else find that? Especially now that Jacob is gone during the week. My usual blog time is in the evening while he watches the kids, but now there is no "off" time. And the time I have after they go to bed and before I do is spent reading my 90 days Bible. (I'm a day behind. I've been a day behind for a while. Sheesh.) So my blogging is slacking. But since I last blogged this is a short catch up on what's been going on:

Keegan is really getting around, still just army crawling, but he can really move!

Sophie is cutting her canine teeth. Boo.

Keegan slept though the night for the first time ever, at home anyway. When Mom watched him for my work conference in June the little turd slept through the night both nights for her. I say turd here in the most loving manner possible.

We spent the Fourth at our friends house playing cards and shooting the breeze. By the time we got around to fireworks Sophie was so exhausted that she could hardly even keep her eyes open. We saw more this evening at a different friends house and she was very impressed. Keegan was too, to a lesser extent, but neither one was afraid of them so that's something I suppose.

Our weekend has been just jam packed. It seems that all of our weekends have been... trying to fit a weeks worth of family time into a few days leaves me just plain worn out.

Thursday was family day at the police academy so I went up to tour the school and sit in on a lecture with Jacob. The lecture was on how to manage stress that the job brings, but really it seemed to be more on keeping your marriage sound. The divorce rate for police officers is very high, as is the suicide rates. Did I mention that I'm not always thrilled with Jacob's job? He loves it. Not so much for me.

Jacob was pepper sprayed this week. He said it was not fun. I believe him. Ouch.

All said- we have been busy. This week doesn't look much better, so if I don't get around to blogging I promise I will get to it eventually. For all you locals I've got a derby next Saturday, much fun!

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