Tuesday, September 02, 2008

I am young.

Despite going through my quarter life crisis earlier in the year, in the back of my brain I realize that I am young.

So was Stephanie.

Stephanie was not much older than I was when she was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was not close to her, but had run into her on occasion through friends and such. However, in the short time it took Stephanie to succumb to breast cancer I realized my own mortality for the first time ever. Her funeral, though I hardly knew her, was the hardest funeral I had ever been to. Ever. Staring at her beautiful face and realizing that she and I were about the same age was the biggest smack upside the head my somewhat sheltered life had ever offered me in the way of facing my own end.

She had plans. She had a future. The future she planned did not include breast cancer.

This somewhat out of character post is to remind you all that September is breast cancer awareness month. If you know a breast cancer survivor (Kate, Amy... I love you both) hug them and be proud of how hard they fought to survive. If you know someone walking this month- donate. If you don't.... I am. Donate here. Or check out this link where you can go register to win a girly movie for a good cause.

And for goodness sake, if you are over 35 go get a mammogram. A little boob smoosh to be sure all is well is well worth it. Just ask Stephanie's family.

1 comment:

FENICLE said...

Andi, thank you.