This is Sophie. She just wanted her picture taken.

More wanting her picture taken.

And again. I swear Gene Simmons is not in her lineage. We just have long tongues here, people.

This is Isaac. Isaac is a
protector. He's a herder. He leans on you when you sit and follows you from room to room. The toilet paper in the picture is not his, though that would be awesome. He is nine and does very well with the kids, which makes me love him and allow him to sleep on our couch, albeit with a classy, tropical themed, over-sized beach towel underneath him. We are just
rolling in style around here.

Isaac did not get the memo about the
humiliation you have to endure to be a part of our family. I think he is reconsidering his living arrangements. I'm reconsidering the ownership of a certain $1.00 Elmo costume. It may be his now.

This is
Bosley. I wanted to name him Abraham so that we would have Abraham, Isaac and Jacob- but I was overruled. Then I wanted to name him Stink Eye, but again, defeated. Sometimes the whole submit to your husband thing is a real drag.
Bosley is growing rapidly, but check out the Little People next to him (Farmer Jed and Maggie, to be exact.) He's a little thing. He is also the Bane of Sophie's
Bosley is all puppy and just plain overwhelms her. They have a love/hate thing that I hope they grow out of. This picture was taken when he was still sickly- he's all better now and is much fun to be with.
Very cute! Love the tongue! :)
I think you should've gone with Abraham! :-) Yep, submitting sometimes is a drag! The pictures were cute. Thanks for sharing.
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