Thursday, January 22, 2009

I've changed Keegan's nick name

From now on I'm calling him "my little bundle of insurance claims". He fussed all night and woke up looking like a giant red marshmallow. His face was so swollen and he has a rash from head to toe, which means, you guessed it, yet another trip to the doctor. I'm lucky I'm friends with my doctor because anyone else would seriously be thinking I was a Muchausen's mom by now. Also it's not as embarrassing to drag your unshowered body in there to see him with your pancake crusted kid in tow.

The results? Unknown. He does not think it's fifths disease, but thinks it's more like Roseola. Or Strep. Maybe strep, though the hard fought culture came back negative. He thinks the culture may have been messed up by the fact that Keegan wouldn't come up for air for most of the appointment and the milk may have thrown the results off. So there you have it, or rather, he has it... whatever it may be. He's back on antibiotics to cover yet another ear infection and the strep, just in case it IS strep. This kid, I tell you, just look at him funny and he'll get sick. One day his immune system is going to be awesome!

On the plus side, if there is a plus side to your kid being sick, it got me out of my girl parts doctor visit today. Nothing like not having showered to get you to cancel that particular appointment.


Christine, Jason and Baby said...

Awww... I am so sorry Keegan is sick again. My prayers are being sent your way.

P.S. At least it isn't the chickenpox... like mine. :(

Patricia said...

Girl parts doctor visit. Heh. I just know you're going to reschedule though. Ahem.

Praying that Keegan is better soon!