Monday, November 09, 2009

Updates from the bad blogger...

Our family once again had to battle illness. Jacob and I are currently bringing every single sickness home, last week we dealt with strep. Luckily both the kids seemed to miss it, so after Jacob and I were done laying around like slugs the house is back to normal. The doctor said that we should just get used to it, that until our immune systems can deal with all the bugs in the schools we will get everything. Great.

We had wonderful weather here over the weekend so the kids and I spent a fair amount of time outside raking leaves and jumping in them. I took pictures, but since I've pretty much sworn off digital cameras I'll have to wait until the film is developed. (How antiquated is that sentence? Who waits for film to develop anymore?)

Dad called and wanted the kids Saturday night, so Jacob and I had a kid free evening. We spent it looking at each other and wondering what we did before we had kids. Then we watched a movie and enjoyed the novelty of not having to pause it even once to get more drink or wipe a bottom or blow a nose. It was nice, but I was still glad to get them back on Sunday.

We are still looking for a church. We just haven't found one that feels right yet. I hate the homeless feeling that being unchurched leaves us with. We are frustrated, pure and simple. We are waiting on God, unfortunately I am not the most patient person.

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