Thursday, August 31, 2006

Sophia Grace

Sophie was born the 15th of August, a 6 lb 4 oz miracle from God. Now it's up to us not to screw up too much. Sometimes I think things like this should come with instruction manuals, don't you?


Perri said...

Well, if you can't have an instruction manual, you can have a handy dandy mamaw!

Peggy said...

the prettiest baby I have ever seen and I have 9 grandchildren!

5KidMom said...

It ought to be vacuum sealed to their chests Andi!! Since that hasn't happened yet, reach for the good book and find your knees on a regular basis. A couple of good girlfriends with kids doesn't hurt either. 8^)

Melene@Sing For Joy said...

Your Motherly instincts will kick in when needed. You can do this. She is BEAUTIFUL.

Staci said...

Raising kids is not too bad...allowing them to raise you is harder!! You'll be already are!

Alison said...

An instruction manual might be nice but I think you only need to look as far as your mom for the best help one will ever find.

Congratulations to all of you!!!!

Perri said...

Hey! Alison is a wise woman, did I ever tell you that?