Tuesday, September 26, 2006

6 weeks old!

Took Sophie to the doctor today. He was amazed at how big she was, and quite frankly so was I. 9 pounds and 3 ounces, quite a difference from last month when she was only 5 pounds 12 ounces. She is doing so many cool things, my favorite is smiling. She is just learning to smile, it is so fun, but alas, elusive. I have yet to catch it on camera. But I will, and then you can all see how funny it is too. She is also learning to follow things with her eyes, even turning her head to keep following it. She is holding her head up all the time and is way advanced for how big she is. What a fast learner! This is Sophie playing. She is the one behind the many toys that we are trying to get her to reach out and grab. She's working on it. We've been spending a lot of time playing games with Mamaw and Angie. It's been a lot of fun. We are going swimming today at the local indoor pool. Sophie is just going to visit and watch. I don't think that she can keep herself warm enough yet to swim, but next summer I hope to have lots of pictures of chubby legs poking out of a cute swimsuit.


Jodi said...

She is getting so big! Wow!

She is a beautiful little girl! And it looks like you figured out the picture problem? ;)

Kathy said...

6 weeks already?? It hardly seems possible.

I have to tell you. Beth was born mid-Aug. in CA & she was in the pool when she was about a week old.

Jenny, on the other hand, was born end of April in MI so she had to wait about 2 months to get into the lake.

Patricia said...

poor girl. too bad she doesn't have a few toys to play with while she naps.

i can hardly see her!