Saturday, September 02, 2006

Anyone have any ideas...

on why Sophie will go about 10 hours without pooping, then have a little poop fest? I feel so bad for her, her little tummy hurts her so. We are kindof at a new parent loss here.

Sophie and I went shopping all day with Mamaw, who bought us a super cool breast pump. It is SO cool, and it will make our lives a lot easier, especially when I go back to work. I was glad
that our outing went so well today, I had been pretty nervous about taking Soph out. I don't know why, it's not like she is awake during the day anyway. The last several nights she has settled into the unfortunate pattern of sleeping all day and waking up at 10 and staying awake until just past 3 in the morning. Yuck. She is also having a bit of a growth spurt I think, she has eaten at least once an hour since 6 this evening. But growth is exciting for us now, she needs to keep growing so that she can fit into all the cute clothes that are for 0-3 months that are currently WAY to big for her.

This evening we had some friends come over for dinner. We had not seen them in quite some time, and we had a great time catching up with each other. They are expecting a little girl in November, so we are excited about all our future play dates!


Mommy said...

Congrats on your little girl she's a doll!!

Vanessa said...

I nursed Jessica and am still nursing Taylor.Jess would sometimes go up to 4 days with no dirty diapers then just seem to explode it worried me to death but my doctor said it was normal because breast fed babies use everything in the milk unlike formula.Taylor sometimes goes 2 days.The doctor also told me that it is not unusual for a breast fed baby to go up to a week.
There are a lot of good links to breasfeeding groups if you would like I could send you some.
Hang in there it does get easier.
Congratulations...Sophie is a doll.

Andi said...

Vanessa- I would love those links. Thanks so much!

Patricia said...

how fun it must've been for your friends to be able to hold a little girl so close to the time when they'll have their own. i'm sure the girls will be fast friends.