Monday, September 11, 2006

I think I'm in for a long night

last night went better than expected. Today went better than expected too. Tonight, we have a grim forecast if her mood for the last 3 hours in any indication of the hours to come.

Jacob went back to work, as promised. I was proud of myself, I functioned fairly well without him, though I missed him a lot.

Weight check today- 7 pounds 11 ounces!

Still won't let me post pictures- I'll have to check into that later. It says to push done to finish posting pics- but there is no done button. Nice.


Anonymous said...

check this out.she had the same problem and managed to fix it

Patricia said...

woo hoo, on her way to 8 pounds! i'll bet it's really hard for jacob to leave his girls, too.

blogger better get it's act together. we need our sophie pics!