Saturday, September 02, 2006

Today I found out

that if your child goes for about ten hours without pooping- just when you are starting to worry she will have a poop so enormous that it blow out the side of her diaper and all over her outfit that of course you JUST put on her. THEN- as soon as you get her changed, she will do it AGAIN. That's right, two in the span of about 5 minutes. Lovely.

Last night I found out that if she is crying for no apparant reason for several hours, then suddenly calms down, puking is imminent and all precautions should be taken for this in the future. However, as I suddenly found my nursing bra filled with vomit, I couldn't help but marvel at her magnificent aim and wonder if there is a basketball career in her future. (Go Duke!)
We had a great day today after a fairly horrid night, so maybe tonight will be better. Though, judging by the bright eyes she has going now, well past midnight, we may be in for another long evening.

Feeding today went pretty gosh darn well, I think we might finally be getting the hang of all this. She still has to be supplemented by bottle, but it gets a little less every day it seems. Jacob has been so wonderful through all of this- getting up with me to help keep her awake, or to get me water, or to keep me from getting too frustrated, or just to take over with a bottle if things don't go well. I'm not quite sure what he is better at- being a dad or a husband. He is simply spectacular at both jobs. I'm not sure what I am going to do when he goes back to work. It bums me out to think about it.


Heidi Kellems said...

When we had our foster baby she went through 5 diapers in a span of about 7 minutes. I was thinking where in the world do they store all this poop at. You are also definitely right about the pee as well. Girls can shoot a fountain just as much as a guy. It just requires a little more hip action to write our names in the snow.

Perri said...

What a great teacher Sophie is!

Patricia said...

projectile vomiting with aim, no less. she is a bright, bright girl!

so i take it that the time has passed when her poopies are cute?