Sunday, October 15, 2006

Pray for Sophie

I am not entirely sure that Sophie can hear well. She passed her hearing exam at the hospital, but she does not respond to voices and such like most babies do. She won't turn her head to find sounds, or to my voice. She doesn't startle at loud, unexpected noises, or any noise at all for that matter. She doesn't stop nursing when I talk to her. It could just be that she is behind developmentally, the doctor said when she was born that she could be for a while because she was so small and a little early. But I just don't know. Like I said before, she passed the hearing test at the hospital when she was born, but I have no idea what that entails. Really, how do you test a newborns hearing? I'll make an appointment in the morning for her to go to the doctor. In all of my worries for her life, this was never one of them. Chances are this is nothing, just a fluky thing, but please pray, just in case. Thanks.


5KidMom said...

My prayers are with Sophie (and you). Keep us posted, OK?

Anonymous said...

I had very similar concerns for J2 (now 10 - then 1 yr). I don't understand how they do it - but they can test when they are little. They checked him then at 1yr and a few several follow ups to check it again at certain developmental milestones.

I'll be praying!

Alison said...

I will be praying, no question. I do want to encourage you though...Samuel our youngest didn't startle and seem to respond to sound either. The Dr wasn't sure if he could hear. He was tested and is just fine.

Patricia said...

chris and i will pray for sophie immediately. and for you and jacob, too.

much love.

Jodi said...

Prayers said. I hope all is well.

Anonymous said...

Praying for you all! I love you!

Melene@Sing For Joy said...

Praying for you all.