Sunday, October 01, 2006

Where's the love?

Well- I was sitting here waiting for blogger to stop being dumb so that I could log in and post and to pass the time I looked at some of the recently updated blogs that scroll across the blogger home page. Have you ever done this? All I found was spewing hatred on every random blog I clicked. They were almost all spewing hatred about Bush, about politics, about life in general. Lots of gays and lesbians declaring that Christians are the new neo-fascists and don't deserve to live, much less express our views on politics and the world around us. Sometimes the world I brought my child into scares me. I hope I can provide some small measure of protection from all the hatred and secularism that will undoubtedly surround her. I hope I never hear the racial and religious slurs I just unwittingly exposed myself to in her mouth. Her life is already set up to be harder than mine ever will be, just because of the world she will live it in. It just makes my heart ache for all the troubles she will endure.

Amen, come Lord Jesus. Rev. 22:20


Jodi said...

I think that is a wish for all mothers, to protect our babies.

My kids are all over the age of 4 now and it is still hard for me when they get exposed to that kind of stuff. I just do the best I can to explain it to them and let them know how I feel about the issue.

5KidMom said...

Oy! I have considered clicking on the random blogs before too. I am so glad I decided on something else! HATE is a cuss word at my house. Acting it out is even worse.

Shelter sweet Sophie as long as you can. DOn't let anyone tell you that you're over-protective. You can't be in the world we live in! Keep fighting the "good" fight!

Jennifer said...

Amen, Sister! I am alarmed at the things I read on bumper stickers and t-shirts...we run into curse words in the grocery store for crying out loud. I like to think of the reson God brought these sweet children into the world is to provide more light for their generation!

Anonymous said...

I think we all feel the same way. I have so much faith in your ability to raise this child with a deep love for our Lord and Saviour, just like her Mom. We can't be there 24/7, but with Jesus on our side, we can't fail either. God worries.