Sunday, November 05, 2006

Andi needs...

I looked at Terrible Speller's blog for the first time today, very fun stuff, and found this cute game, and I just couldn't resist.

Google your first name and the word needs to see what you come up with and post the first 10 results.

Well mine I had to fudge as ANDI is both a genetics machine as well as a departmental acronym for the government of Indiana, so I had to pick through my results so I didn't end up with ten things like this:

Removed PyLuncene indexing since Andi needs to add some functionality that will fall out of the .5 timeframe.

Yeah, boring. I couldn't find 10 that didn't sound like that, but this is what I did find.

1. Andi needs to write a description of herself.

2. On page 23 Andi needs to explain why Grandfather drove a golf cart and Leo's brother has to follow behind carrying the clubs.

3. Andi needs somebody to lick the stamps for the next email newsletter

4. Andi's need to develop some social and life skills

5. Andi needs to see Mardi Gras... Woo hoo!

6. Andi needs to have a dance battle one more time.

7. Andi needs to survive Beast.

8. Andi needs her pieces to be over the pond by this time.

Maybe I'll develop my social and life skills at Mardi Gras while dancing against the beast over the pond. Can't tell you about the golf cart thing, I'd have to kill you, and I can't write a description of myself because I'm too busy licking all these stamps. Ugh.


Heidi Kellems said...

Oh my I did a google on mine and I laughed and laughed. Heidi know that every man she meets is drooling over her. Heidi Needs a Hug! "Heidi needs to pay $5 so that all the answers to this question can be shown.

Patricia said...

hehe, how fun. i'ma do this soon!

be careful gettin yer pieces over the pond, by the way. just sayin.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the laugh!! You are very funny! Here are mine:


terrible speller said...

this is fun. I don't know why I never realized you had a blog. I adore your sophie and follow her on your mom's blog. From what I read on her blog, I think your mom is a swell lady!