Thursday, November 02, 2006

A Kindof Pointless Tale

Do you remember that old breath freshener sweet breath? Okay- get that taste in your mouth and just hold on to it for a minute while I tell you a story that starts with why I love small towns and ends with a Sophie moment.

Our doctor for Sophie is great. We used to go to a bible study at their house before he was even a practitioner here in town, so we have a history. A few days ago he called me during office hours, on my cell phone after missing me at home, to ask how Sophie was doing, at night specifically. I replied that she was about the same, fussy. He said that since her last appointment he had been thinking about how I told him that she screamed when she was laid down at night, and that had just really been bugging him, and that he thought we should try this medicine for acid reflux to see if that helped. (I know that was a horrendous run on sentence, sorry Mrs. Talley. ) That is why I love small towns. Her doctor thought about her problems- when I didn't even think she HAD a problem, and went out of his way to make our lives better.
And it did... as soon as she laid down last night, first try, she went to sleep. BUT, she hated taking it, the it being baby Zantac, which is odd because she does well with medicines. So tonight she had to take 2 medicines, Tylenol cold and her Zantac. Down goes the cold medicine, no prob, big smiles. The Zantac goes down, unwillingly, screaming her head off. So we tried it and this stuff tastes AWFUL. Like sweet breath concentrate or something. Totally minty to the point of being hot, ya know? So then, she has herself so worked up that she pukes it all back up and we have to do it again. But does the Tylenol come back up? Noooooo- that lovely cherry concoction stays right where we put it. I took a picture with my COOL NEW CAMERA of the face she gave us afterwards- I call it the eat crap and die face:

Yeah- that's really nice. But to make up for it here is a cute one of her snuggling with dad, again. He is the favorite around here, I'm just a couple of milk bags. Oh well... maybe the next one will be all mine!


Anonymous said...

Andi she is so pretty and you are an awesome new mommy.I know what you mean about daddy being the favored one Jessica has always been a daddy's girl.Taylor is so completly opposite he always wants me.
Hang in there girl there are days I feel like I should just be called "Bessie" lol

Alison said...

Wait 'til craft time and playing with dolls. She'll run to you everytime! Claire is Daddy's girl but I have a few uses too and my days of being a couple of milk bags are over.

Great pictures...

Jodi said...

Go look at your local pharmacy near the baby/kid medicines. Tylenol makes a otc product that you can mix in the medicines to flavor them. Maybe that would help her Zantac go down a little better.

She is so adorable with her daddy!

Anonymous said...

Jodi- Thanks for the tip- I'll go look for that today. I know it certainly can't make it any worse.

Unknown said...

I laughed for a long while about the "Eat-Crap-And-Die" face. Too funny...

Get used to having tons of pictures of Daddy with Baby. Men just never think to get out the camera. And don't worry about him being the favorite... little girls who love their daddies grow up to marry great men and live in wedded bliss forever. Ask me how I know. :-)
