Thursday, November 16, 2006

Random Bits of Information

Because nothing else is really going on, other than work and junk, I thought I would post some random things about me just for fun. Like Patricia does on occasion, it's just fun.

1. I have a borderline obsession with Bundt pans. It's weird.

2. I love musicals. I wish I lived in a world where people randomly burst into song.

3. I really dig lamps. I have way too many. I really like RED lamps.

4. I was horrible at algebra in school, and it continued through college.

5. I excelled in Physics though, even taking it as an elective. Something about being able to picture it in my head helped.

6. I once broke my arm on a slide. Really.

7. I used to hate it when my food touched. I've just recently gotten over it, and I'm not sure what changed.

8. I hated cheesecake before I was pregnant, and now consider it to be one of my favorite foods.

9. I would read 24 hours a day if I could.

10. I was on a jump rope team as a kid. We were even in the circus and got trapped in our dressing room by a black bear.

And just for good measure here is Soph in a hat momma found at Target today for a buck- it is great!


Jodi said...

Love the hat!

I would love to live in a musical!

Alison said...

Fabulous hat!!!

5KidMom said...

It's nice to have the chance to get to know you better. Thanks for sharing. 8^)

Patricia said...

yay, i love your list!!

bundt pans remind me of my big fat greek wedding. do you put flowers in the middle?

i bet there'd be a lot less war if people burst into song. unless i was the one bursting, that is. i cannot sing.

i love that you're no longer a mix-o-phobe!

maybe if i can ever get preggers, i'll stop liking cheesecake 'cause i could do with disliking a few of those kinds of foods.

Heidi Kellems said...

"The Hills are alive with the Sound of Music ah ah ah ah" I know our family likes musicals too. "The rain in Spain is mainly on the Plain" We check them out at the library on occasion. I think an animated musical world would probably suit our family just right.