Sunday, December 17, 2006

Don't you just hate it when...

When you have read a totally awesome book and then they make a movie out of it and you get all hyped up about it because it has John Malcovich in it and that alone means it should be amazing and you wait and wait and arrange for a sitter and go and then as Jacob says, and I quote "it sucks a big turd up out of the toilet", end quote. Crude, yes, accurate, oh yes. So let's just put Eragon on movies not to see this year, or ever for that matter. It takes some serious doing to make such a good book such a bad movie. I have high hopes for Nativity next weekend, it's gotta be better than the garbage I just saw. Ugh. Totally. Disgusted.

Enough about that, It's time for....

Patricia's Joke of the Day:

A horse walks into a bar. The bartender looks up and asks, "why the long face?".

By the way, Patricia herself posted this very funny joke (which she called awful) in the comments the other day:

A couple of termites go into a saloon and ask, "is the bartender here?"

That is good stuff. Bar tender, that's funny. If you don't get it , read it out loud, that always helps a joke out. Not that these jokes need help, mind you.

Momma and I went Christmas shopping tonight at our store of choice, Wal-Mart, which happens to be the only store in town open on a Sunday night. We almost immediately got lost in the Wal-Mart Time Warp. You know what I'm talking about, when that short run in turns into an hour and a half. Well ours turned into three hours of aisle wandering fun. But hey, I got some stuff bought, finally. But no, not a tree topper.

Sophie got the sickness of doom that was spreading around Momma's house. No big surprise there, huh? She has had a fever, and has turned into a puking machine. That's another part of motherhood they just don't go into in books... the feeling of warm vomit running down your chest and pooling in your bra. Ahhhh, fun times at the house of Sophie. She would not sleep at all last night hardly, meaning I did not sleep at all last night, so my mom graciously offered to watch her for the night. Normally I turn down these offers because I'm a prideful idiot I can manage on my own. But tonight I jumped on the offer, and am about to go to bed. For the entire night. I'd stay and chat longer but my pillow misses me. It's like that from time to time, high maintenance.

1 comment:

Patricia said...

i am so advised on eragon. because really, i'm not a fan of turdish movies.

walmart does indeed create a vortex. i get sucked in every time.

yay for mommas who come to the rescue of other sleep deprived mommas!