Sunday, December 03, 2006

I'm a Sorry Excuse for a Blogger

All my Blogging friends are hard core, but not me. of course it's a small town and just about everything I do, Momma does too. And she is a much better blogger than I am, so I just leave all the day to day stuff to her. But here is something new, a developmental milestone- Sophie learned to look up the other day. Like "Hey, look what's up there, well I'll be, it's my Momma." It was funny. She looks up all the time now.

I had to take her to the doctor the other day, which is really why I have not posted in a while, she was just full time fussy. The doctor WAY upped her dosage of Zantac, switched to to twice a day and declared her acid reflux "severe". So we changed it all, and we are back to a happy baby. I have also made her start sleeping by herself rather than with me now that she is trying to roll over. When she was stationary I felt better about it, we didn't use blankets and I sleep on my back, so I was not afraid of her suffocating. Now though, she is not so stationary, so away she goes. It is much better now, though a week ago it was a nightmare. Happily though, all is well again. She sleeps alone, and I don't worry about her suffocating. (Which just happened to a family in our area. I can't even imagine.) It's actually harder on me, before I could just sleep while she nursed and now I have to haul my post baby fat butt out of bed several times a night. Ugh. I long for the day she sleeps through the night. So that is the world of Sophie for the time being. I'm gonna get better about posting more often, maybe.


Anonymous said...

I am so bad about letting Taylor sleep with me.I have been making him sleep in his own bed now after hearing about that baby suffocating.He has started walking everywhere so I was afraid he would get out of bed in the middle of the night.The picture of you and Sophie is really cute she looks so sweet staring up at you like that.

Jodi said...

That is a beautiful picture of the two of you.