Sunday, November 26, 2006

Boring Post about a Peaceful Weekend

(Jacob's mom and Sophie)

Sophie's first Thanksgiving went well. She tried some people food, but none of it comes close to Tootsie Pops. Those are still her favorite by far. On Friday I went to church to help with the community baby-sitting service our church ran for mothers who shop on that day. It was stressful at times, but mostly fun. WAY more fun that being out shopping on the craziest day of the year. (I had some friends get up at 4:00 AM to go shopping. Ugh.) Momma and some friends came over later and Jacob and I decorated the Christmas tree. Sophie seemed to enjoy herself, staring at the lights for quite a while. Then we played cards until about 10 and went to bed. Today has been just a peaceful, Jacob is grinding up a deer he got on Thanksgiving, and I sat down and read while Sophie napped. Getting the chance to read rarely occurs anymore, so that was nice! Tomorrow before I go to work I'm going to swing by and meet with a guy who is getting me some information about starting an adult literacy program that I want to start. I'm pretty excited to see what he has to tell me! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving, and now I can officially wish you Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

Patricia said...

i love the pic of her on the template. i'm glad you guys all had a nice thanksgiving :)