Monday, December 11, 2006

Tears and Trees

Today going to work was hard. I've gotten much better about it over the weeks, it helps that she started going to sleep for her morning nap about 30 minutes before I need to leave. But not today. Today she woke up and wanted to play, right before I left. And I wanted to stay and play too, but I couldn't. She cried when I put her down, and I did too. But she got over it eventually, as did I. The pic is her playing at Mamaw's today. She is getting funnier every day!

It seems all us moms are feeling nostalgic lately, check out
the Scott's and Antique Mommy. That along with my post from a few days ago confirms that there is just something about this time of year that makes you remember and miss the way things were, and usually appreciate the way things are.

I still haven't gone to get a new tree topper, and mine keeps getting more pathetic, if that is even possible. It is now laying down completely against the tree, steadfastly refusing to stand tall and take pride in all its golden gaudiness. I keep threatening to go get a nice, serene Christmas Angel, but it knows I won't. It smirks at me, saying to all it's equally tacky ornament buddies, "She won't get rid of me, just you wait and see, I'm too quirky and cute." It just may be right. We'll have to see.

Went Christmas shopping over the weekend and Momma watched Soph for us, as it was in the 30's and she would have been miserable. We got a lot done, but still have a lot to do. Am I a procrastinator or what? I wish I had taken after my mother on this one, who has been pretty much done since Halloween. Ugh.

In honor of her surgery, here is...


What do you call a dog with no hind legs and buns of steel?


I know down in my soul that this joke will make you get better soon.

Sammy- 7 days until you get home!

I have so been enjoying your blog, but for some reason, no computer I am on lately will allow me to comment, and I do not see an email addy for me to tell you. CONGRATULATIONS to your hubby, that is so exciting! He must be so proud of himself. How wonderful to see all that hard work pay off. And your daughter has wonderfully pouty lips. That's all I wanted to say.
Edited to add:
Sophie has learned a new noise. Imagine the sound you would make if you were trying to take the biggest poop of your life. Yeah, she does that all the time now for fun. Very dainty.

1 comment:

Perri said...

I especially like it when she does her poop sound in a public place like church. That's always a treat! She's doing it right now as I type and she is sitting in her bumbo seat playing with Wes. What a funny kid you have.