Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy New List (A bit late)

• My house is usually clean, though not always neat.

• I can't take out the trash because the smell make me puke almost every time, though diapers don't really bother me.

• For the same reason I try not to let the dishes sit in the sink overnight. The smell is too gross.

• My feet are huge, but not gross.

• I knew when I was 16 years old that I would marry Jacob. He was 15.

• I absolutely LOATHE Judge Judy, Mathis and that other chick who pretend to solve legal issues. I could lump Dr. Phil in there too. Can't stand him.

• I love to read but still can't spell well

• I am a firm believer in the power of kindness

• I am bad about doing things that I don't want to do because I have no self motivation.

• I quit following politics while pregnant (for my blood pressure, I was pretty intense) and I have not felt the need to go back... yet.

• I wish I were braver.

• I have little patience for those who will not TRY to help themselves

• If I could have a super power- I would want to be able to teleport.


terrible speller said...

I like your list. Almost all I can completely relate too. Esp. #1

Patricia said...

i, too, like to think of it as the true power of kindness. i believe it can - and does - change the world, if only more people would use it.

you want to teleport? like instantly move from one place to another? i'll have to think about which power i'd like. interesting!

braver, how? i'd like to be braver with spiders, that's for sure. it's so completely girly, but mannnnnnnn i hate them!