Monday, January 29, 2007

Just a few pictures

The first one is Sophie leaning over to pick her pacifier up off the floor. If only she will always be so tidy!

She may be a tad small for her high chair, but she really enjoys sitting in it anyway.

Especially if it means she gets to eat!


Patricia said...

what a happy little girl!

that tongue! too funny.

i like the high chair shot the best. including the rabbit ears behind her back, hehe.

Anonymous said...

She is sooo cute! I can't wait to hold her next week! :o)

I love the tongue picture. She's going to be one of these people who can touch their nose with their tongue. LOL

See ya Sunday!


5KidMom said...

I don't think I've ever seen a baby lean out of a bouncy seat to get their own pacifier. How nice of Sophie to be so self sufficient. 8^)

Are you sure that you all aren't related to Gene Simmons somehow? That is a serious tongue!!! Funny girl!

Anonymous said...

OH what a sweetie!!! i was catching up on moms blog and saw your link and presto! shes so cute i cant stand it. i saw the bouncy thing, im sure thats fun i know the other kids loved them.umm, have fun on vacation! i think dads going to have dinner when you get back so ill see you there. love you all. Zac (the other brother)