Thursday, February 01, 2007

Going on Vacation

For some reason that I have yet to discover, I can no longer log into blogger at home. I can't log in at work either because blogger is not mac friendly. This means I can only log in when I am at my Momma's, and usually when I am here I am doing other things. That's the reason for the lack of posts lately. I'll get it worked out soon (I hope).

I'll tell the truth, it's a little overwhelming getting Sophie ready for vacation. She is not a light traveler. Let me just say, Jen, that I don't know how you do it! And Sophie is NOT one of those "normal" babies who fall asleep in the car. 45 minutes and she is done, and will let you know it, loudly. So I called the doctor and explained my dilemma, and he gave me the proper dosage of Benedryl to give her so that hopefully she won't just scream the whole trip. We have already broken the drive into 2 days rather than one in hopes that she will be content, but I am rather nervous. Since one of the other side effects is excitability, we tried the Benedryl out the other day to make sure that it did what we wanted it to do. It did. She slept though the night for the first time in her life. Now I have to fight off the temptation to give it to her EVERY night. So far my will power has held out, and she hasn't slept through the night since. Bummer, huh?

I'm looking forward to so many days with my family (the friends that are going are so close to us that they are my family too). Mostly I am looking forward to having Sophie all day again. Sometimes it is really hard to leave her, knowing that she is learning fun things and growing up so much without me there to witness it. But 30 hours a week is better than 40, I'm blessed to be able to work as little as I do. Maybe one day I can stay with her all the time, until then I'll just look forward to vacations! We are going to have a great time, playing cards, swimming and goofing off. And not to mention, the Superbowl is Sunday, and the condo will be filled to the brim with rabid Colts fans. Once they win, the week will just be that much better!

I hope you all have a splendid week and I'll catch you all later!

1 comment:

Patricia said...

i'm so happy for you guys that you'll be able to just get away together. it sounds like a great time and sophie will no doubt love having her momma around 24/7.

three cheers for benadryl!