Friday, February 23, 2007

Hello Friday!

I love it when you forget that it is Friday, because when you find out that it is, in fact, the last day of the work week, your day just seems better already! And speaking of better, my leg is doing much better, and today I think I will try to go without crutches.

A quick note to my mother: Mom, I promise that I will take my crutches to work and use them as needed. I promise not to over do myself and to take it easy. No running. I promise that I will take medication as needed.

Okay, now that's covered. I've got nothing planned for the weekend, which is nice. I think I'll cut the kids hair tomorrow, and maybe make some baby food with Mom. Sophie is REALLY into eating- everything. She's like a food machine, which is funny because that is what Jacob called me when I was pregnant.

Well- I'm off to face the day! Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Patricia said...

happy friday!

i was all ready to nag you about overdoing before you calmed your mom so i'll hush. i'm glad you're feeling better.

when i first read that you are going to cut the kids hair tomorrow, i had this picture of gently breaking it to you in a tiny little whisper:

sophie doesn't have enough hair to cut yet.

then i realized the kids you were probably talking about.
