Saturday, February 24, 2007

I'm not quite sure how much money I saved

But I hope it was a lot. I made baby food today for Sophie. It was not hard, just time consuming on a day when I wanted to do other things. But at least it's made with love, right?
Allow me to present pureed peaches, sweet potatoes, carrots, potatoes, green beans, peas, corn, and apples.
Now I just hope she eats it!


Perri said...

Hey, we know the applesauce won't go to waste at least.

Anonymous said...

It was the best dang applesauce I've ever eaten that's for sure.


Tina said...

Do you freeze that now? Just wondering, I've never made baby food before.

Patricia said...

oh my gosh, what a lovely healthy rainbow you created there! i just hope you don't accidentally toss a couple of pureed green bean cubes into your iced tea.