Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Odd Ducks

Jacob works with some strange birds, let me tell ya. The other day he was working on a press for a lady, and he had been having a hard day. He mentioned something to that affect to her, and she said "Well, you day must not be that bad because you're deodorant is still working." I personally have not noticed that his deodorant ever stops working, so we could only assume she is drawing from personal experience. Eww. He said he just looked at her and smiled, then kept on working. Good man.


Anonymous said...

That is a bit odd to say the least. I am SO glad you are doing alright!! That is scary. I'm sure you missed that little girl a lot! I was in isolation for an illness while in the hospital & it sucked! Glad yours was short.

Perri said...

I've never noticed his deoderant not working and I have a nose for these things.

Patricia said...

wow. she must get pitted a lot in order to recognize when someone isn't.

people are weird.